Welcome changes imminent to DV regulations
After years of campaigning and litigation the government now seems ready to introduce much-needed changes to the regulations limiting access to legal aid for victims of domestic abuse. The Guardian has trailed MOJ plans to remove [...]
CCMS survey – please help us understand how to improve CCMS
We’ve launched a survey to capture user experiences of CCMS. Our members are consistently telling us of issues they experience with the system. We also know that a large number of applications are being processed. [...]
Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards 2017 – nominations now open!
Nominations for the 15th Legal Aid Practitioners Group Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards are now open. Following success last year, sponsorship for popular Legal Aid Newcomer award to be raised through [...]
LAPG Annual Dinner
Birmingham on Thursday 8th October 2015 - 19:00 to 23:00 LAPG’s annual dinner is once again sponsored by Accesspoint and will be held at Le Truc in Birmingham. The meal is open to everyone – [...]
LAPG Annual Conference
Birmingham on Friday 9th October 2015 - 09:00 - 18:00 Legal Aid: The Future These are worrying times for everyone carrying out legal aid work. That sentence could have been used for any conference in [...]
New Legal Aid Manifesto prioritises vulnerable groups in society – children, disabled people and victims of domestic violence
The Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG) has today launched the Manifesto for Legal Aid, which calls for immediate changes to be made to the legal aid system to improve access to justice for vulnerable groups. [...]
The All-Party Group (APG) on Legal Aid
For more information about the All Party Group, please go to https://www.apg-legalaid.org/
LAPG co-chair Nicola Mackintosh recognised for trailblazing work on behalf of vulnerable clients Nicola Mackintosh, a leading community care lawyer and sole practitioner in south London has been appointed Honorary Queen’s Counsel, a rare honour [...]