Membership – “One for all and all for legal aid!”

LAPG is a membership organisation that represents and provides support for legal aid practitioners. Our Advisory Committee is drawn from legal aid practitioners across all areas of law, from right across the country and from all types of providers (small, large, NfP and ABS). As an organisation, LAPG is well known for contributing to and influencing both operational and policy matters. We are committed to access to justice and to ensuring that the legal aid scheme is accessible to as many people as possible. We also believe that the scheme itself needs to be clear and fit for purpose and that the government must invest now to address years of malnourishment, neglect and deliberate and ill-judged cuts.

We also offer membership for barristers. In the current climate of fundamental changes to legal aid, barristers can also benefit from our specialist support services to members.

Our membership period runs from 1 January to 31 December.

For those with a legal aid contract, membership of LAPG is generally on an organisational rather than individual basis. Barristers can join LAPG as individuals and we also have group membership schemes for chambers, consultants and representative bodies. Solicitors, costs lawyers or legal executives can join us on an individual basis. Contact us if you have any queries about our membership schemes.

Its now time to renew (or join) for 2025

With the new membership year upon us it is now time to renew your membership or join us to help fight for legal aid.

In understanding of how difficult the past years have been, our fees were frozen since 2017 and we reduced them by 10% during the pandemic. However, we now need to adjust them to cover the inflationary pressures we’ve faced. We are, therefore, returning to our 2016 fees.

Join now to help us fight for legal aid in the face of the Legal Support Action Plan that arose out of the LASPO Review and the Criminal Legal Aid Review. Help us to try to make the system work for providers and to increase access to all those who need legal advice and representation. Some of the benefits you will gain by joining us are:

  • Regular updates on all things Legal Aid – news, events, guidance, consultations and more
  • Significant discounts on training courses
  • Free advertisement of job vacancies on our website and social media to support your recruitment
  • Discounted tickets to attend our Annual Conference
  • Direct support on operational issues through Member Queries
  • The opportunity to input on consultations and reviews
  • Representation of your interests, views and concerns at meetings with the Ministry of Justice, the Legal Aid Agency and other bodies
  • Access to our online LAPG Members’ Area, designed to provide with resources and the ability to connect with other practitioners
  • LAPG membership badges to display on your website to demonstrate your commitment to legal aid

To join LAPG complete the membership form below.

If you are a firm or not-for-profit agency, please join or renew by completing the following membership form:

2025 Membership Form – BACS Payment (Early Bird)
2025 Membership Form – Online Payment

If you are an individual (for example, barrister, pupil barrister, or another individual interested in joining) please complete the membership form below:

2025 Individual Membership Form – BACS payment
2025 Individual Membership Form – Online payment

By becoming a member, you confirm your support of LAPG’s values and main objectives.

If you do not fit into either of the above categories, please contact us to discuss how we can tailor our membership to your needs.

Please support us now and renew your membership or join LAPG

For a better idea of what we do see this summary of our work in 2022. Our achievements include:

  • the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards – this year we celebrated yet another spectacular ceremony in central London with over 550 guests

  • The 2023 LAPG Conference – our first face-to-face conference since the pandemic with 200 delegates at UCL.

  • providing secretariat support to the new All-Party Parliament Group on Access to Justice, a merger between the APPG on Legal Aid and the APPG on Pro Bono and Public Legal Education.

  • lobbying the MOJ on legal aid policy and the need for investment through the Review of Civil Legal Aid.

  • working with other representative bodies on over 20 consultations, contract, review and tender processes.

  • numerous meetings with the LAA and MoJ, working on practical and policy issues, including the sustainability of the civil legal aid sector, improvements to processes and decision-making and modernising contracts.

  • working directly with practitioners and membership bodies to tackle the issues that matter to frontline professionals and their clients.

  • well-attended training courses at very low fees for members – almost 300 practitioners participated in our courses in 2023

  • expansion of the Management & Leadership Hub, providing training and support for not-for-profit specialist advice agencies

  • answering numerous members’ questions to help with specific operational issues and using those queries for our policy work.

  • supporting Members with recruitment, advertising their vacancies for free on our website and social media

  • regular email updates for our members covering operational and policy issues, news and events.

  • significantly improving our website and social media presence – Our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts are as active as ever, with regular increase of followers all throughout.

  • regularly updating our Members’ Area, which includes invaluable resources for all our members and facilities to interact with other practitioners.

  • encouraging the new generation of legal aid lawyers through our work with Young Legal Aid Lawyers and a range of universities and colleges

Show your LAPG membership with pride with our new membership badges!

2024 Membership Fees

In understanding of how difficult the past years have been, our fees were frozen since 2017 and we reduced them by 10% during the pandemic. However, we now need to adjust them to cover the inflationary pressures we’ve faced. We are therefore returning to our 2016 fees.

No. of fee earners (includes all fee earners not just those carrying out legal aid work) Early Bird Fee* (until 28th February) Standard Fee
1 – 5 fee earners £175.50 £195.00
6 – 10 fee earners £238.50 £295.00
11 – 20 fee earners £382.50 £425.00
21 – 30 fee earners £517.50 £575.00
31 – 50 fee earners £607.50
51+ fee earners £697.50 £775.00
Non-contract holding rate £315.00 £350.00

* The Early Bird fee equates to a 10% reduction