
19 05, 2022

LAPG announces shortlist for 2022 Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards

2022-05-19T12:37:18+01:00May 19th, 2022|

The lawyer acting for an autistic teenager denied a potentially life-saving kidney transplant; one of the defence solicitors in the Colston Four case; and the first UK university advice clinic to secure a legal aid contract, are among the 29 individuals and six organisations selected as LALY22 finalists. New for LALY22: Legal Aid Support Staffer [...]

31 03, 2022

LAPG publishes the findings of the 2021 Legal Aid Census

2022-03-31T09:30:39+01:00March 31st, 2022|

LAPG publishes the Legal Aid Census – the first piece of research of its kind to look at the social justice sector as a whole. Unique research tells the story of legal aid lawyers across England and Wales - from entry to the profession, throughout their careers, and beyond. As legal aid deserts spread throughout [...]

19 05, 2021

LAPG announces Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards 2021 finalists

2021-05-19T08:01:16+01:00May 19th, 2021|

A housing barrister who is playing a leading role in challenging 'No DSS' landlords; and a solicitor who defended the parents of 'Jihadi Jack' Letts, have been honoured by this year's LALY awards judges. The pair are among 26 individuals and nine organisations chosen as finalists in the Legal Aid Practitioners Group 2021 Legal Aid [...]

12 04, 2021

LAPG launches 2021 Legal Aid Census ‘to show true state of social justice sector’

2021-04-12T11:56:09+01:00April 12th, 2021|

Lawyers across England and Wales are urged to 'stand up and be counted', by taking part in a unique drive to gather data from the legal aid front line. LAPG survey has been devised in conjunction with leading legal academics from Newcastle University Law School, Cardiff University and University College London who will be analysing [...]

21 02, 2021

LAPG’s 2021 Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards are now open.

2021-02-24T17:28:53+00:00February 21st, 2021|

Nominations close on 19 April; new award category for this year: Disability Rights. Winners of the 12 awards will be announced on 6 July at a virtual ceremony to be broadcast online. The 2021 Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year (LALY) awards have been launched by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group, with awards in 12 [...]

8 02, 2021

LAPG Annual Legal Aid Conference – 22-26 February 2021

2021-02-08T16:51:36+00:00February 8th, 2021|

Join us for LAPG's first foray into a fully digital conference. With a superb mix of workshops delivering practitioner-focused content. We have a packed calendar of events to help you develop new skills and refine your existing ones, sessions to enable you to feed into policy development and social events. With launch and closing [...]

19 06, 2020

LAPG makes four special awards, to honour the ‘social justice heroes of the pandemic’

2020-06-19T10:04:58+01:00June 19th, 2020|

'We are proud to recognise colleagues whose decisive actions at the start of the outbreak and since have helped save many lives,' says LAPG CEO Chris Minnoch. Three individuals and one organisation are being recognised by LAPG during this uniquely challenging year (further details about each winner, below): - Richard Atkinson, partner at Tuckers [...]

18 06, 2020

LAPG Response to the LAA Consultation: Amendments to the Cost Assessment Guidance (to Facilitate LAA Assessment of all Civil Bills)

2020-06-18T20:01:52+01:00June 18th, 2020|

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the functioning of the court system, with all courts initially closing and then a partial and gradual resumption of hearings in different geographic and practice areas.  Over the past few months, some have re-opened but with limited capacity to manage the backlog of cases.  One [...]

18 06, 2020

LAPG Response to the LAA Consultation: Payments on Account

2020-06-18T16:15:07+01:00June 18th, 2020|

This consultation was launched by the LAA on 2 June 2020 and followed intervention by LAPG and other bodies requesting more flexibility over the POA system and other forms of interim or staged payment mechanisms to alleviate cash flow concerns for legal aid providers. The LAA has proposed an amendment to the Costs Assessment [...]