LAA Operational

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21 03, 2025

LAPG’s response to the civil legal aid fees consultation

2025-03-21T14:20:03+00:00March 21st, 2025|

We have published our response to the MOJ's civil legal aid fees consultation: Civil legal aid: Towards a sustainable future The MOJ consultation is available here: We welcome the proposals to increase Immigration & Asylum and Housing & Debt fees and would like to see these changes implemented as soon as possible. As [...]

21 02, 2024

LAPG submits its response to the MOJ RoCLA Call for Evidence

2024-02-26T11:54:42+00:00February 21st, 2024|

On 21 February 2024 we submitted our response to the Ministry of Justice's Review of Civil Legal Aid Call for Evidence. Our response provides a detailed explanation of the myriad issues undermining the ability of legal aid practitioners to meet the needs of clients. In particular, we focused on the following key, overarching issues: [...]

20 01, 2022

LAPG publishes response to MOJ consultation on the future of housing possession duty schemes

2022-01-25T11:38:33+00:00January 20th, 2022|

We have today published our response to the Ministry of Justice's consultation: Housing Legal Aid: the way forward - A consultation on the future of the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme. In our response we acknowledge the positive and constructive concepts mooted by the MOJ to improve both the long-term viability of duty schemes and [...]

8 02, 2021

LAPG Annual Legal Aid Conference – 22-26 February 2021

2021-02-08T16:51:36+00:00February 8th, 2021|

Join us for LAPG's first foray into a fully digital conference. With a superb mix of workshops delivering practitioner-focused content. We have a packed calendar of events to help you develop new skills and refine your existing ones, sessions to enable you to feed into policy development and social events. With launch and closing [...]

18 06, 2020

LAPG Response to the LAA Consultation: Amendments to the Cost Assessment Guidance (to Facilitate LAA Assessment of all Civil Bills)

2020-06-18T20:01:52+01:00June 18th, 2020|

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the functioning of the court system, with all courts initially closing and then a partial and gradual resumption of hearings in different geographic and practice areas.  Over the past few months, some have re-opened but with limited capacity to manage the backlog of cases.  One [...]

18 06, 2020

LAPG Response to the LAA Consultation: Payments on Account

2020-06-18T16:15:07+01:00June 18th, 2020|

This consultation was launched by the LAA on 2 June 2020 and followed intervention by LAPG and other bodies requesting more flexibility over the POA system and other forms of interim or staged payment mechanisms to alleviate cash flow concerns for legal aid providers. The LAA has proposed an amendment to the Costs Assessment [...]

27 05, 2020

LAPG COVID-19 Email Support Service – FAQs Edition 1 (25 May 2020)

2020-05-27T00:03:56+01:00May 27th, 2020|

We have released the first set of FAQs submitted to our COVID-19 email support service.  The FAQ document has been designed as a resource for legal aid practitioners to keep up to date with and understand the practical application of the many measures that have been introduced or relaxed in response to the crisis. [...]

30 04, 2020

Lord Chancellor responds on access to justice for people in custody during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020-05-01T12:13:14+01:00April 30th, 2020|

The Lord Chancellor has responded to a join letter from LAPG and the Association of Prison Lawyers raising concerns about practical arrangements for private legal consultations with people in custody during the current ‘lockdown’ period. During this time people in prison continue to have urgent legal matters across all areas of law that require [...]